Home studying

Home studying can be difficult. You are dependent on your own room, while this is probably not your most productive place. Below you will find an overview with some tips and best practices to transform your room into a productive workspace. These tips are partly based on tips of The Skillslab. A complete overview can be found here. You can also find some tips on this website from Utrecht University.

Things that may work for you, do not have to work for someone else. These tips and best practices are very personal, so you may have to play with differen things before it works for you.

Want to share your own tips? Use our Discord channel or mail to education@svsticky.nl!

Planning en productivity

The planning you may have lying around is probably not achievable anymore. Party because lectures are given on other times or because you aren't as productive as you normally are. Below you will find a number of tips on how to make a planning (and stick to it) and how you can stay productive at home.


Making a planning can be very difficult and sticking to it may be even harder. A couple of tips to make a planning:

  1. Make a list of everything you want to do.
  2. For each point on your list estimate how much time you are going to spend on it. Take this ample, because you are less productive working from home. This way you know how much time you are going to spend in total.
  3. Make a timeline with deadlines, so that you know when everyting needs to be finished.
  4. Plan everything tighter than the deadlines, so that you have the option to be delayed or to review your work. Make sure you stick to 3 tasks per day. This ensures you can easily maintain this.

You can also make an appointment with your study advisor or your teacher to go over your planning. They are here for you too in these times!


Not everyone can work from home. There is a lot of distraction and the motivation to study is hard to find. Below a couple of tips to work on your motivation.

  • Pretend like nothing is happening (whilst of course following the guidelines of the government). Get out of bed at the same time as normal and dress up. Maintaining a rythm makes sure you can easily start working.
  • Put distractions away. Turn off notifications of your computer and put your phone away. There are also apps for your phone like "Forest" to help you with working without distractions.
  • Instead of going to the university library you can also join the online university library of Study association Sticky. Let other motivate you in our silent study room.